An honest piece of software is like an honest politician: when it’s bought, it stays bought.

Consumer software is stampeding toward the subscription model. It’s not surprising – why sell something once when you can sell it multiple times to the same customer?

Adobe is in the news for exploring new frontiers in software-as-a-service, extending their subscription model to claim access to its customers’ creative output.

Drafting the Adobe TOS

The villains are many. I’m here to sing about the heroes.

I’ve been consistently pleased with Scrivener, a one (payment)-and-done tool for longform writing with one of the most consumer-friendly trial periods I’ve seen: a 30-day trial that only counts days on which you boot the software. Nice.

I’m still loving Obsidian, a local-first markdown pkm tool that only charges personal users to sync and publish content. 1 Huzzah!

And for markdown aficionados who want a stylish and streamlined editor, rather than an IDE, Typora makes drafting a pleasure.

Eliminate the negative

I’m considering switching back to booting Linux when support for Windows 10 ends in October 2025. The only reason I switched to Windows in the first place – the only reason I’ve ever used Windows – is to play computer games. Or rather, to have the option of playing certain computer games. Apparently the mere contemplation of my Steam library2 is pleasure enough.

Also plays on my 2016 Macbook Air...
The thought of revising my mod install order for a 12 year-old game I haven't played since Covid has lashed me to the stumbling corpse of the Windows OS

The open-source and local-first software landscapes have grown to the point where it is now possible to have a first-class computing experience running free-range software … as long as you’re not a hardcore or multiplayer gamer, and you have something of a fetish for troubleshooting driver issues.

As someone who likes her computer games free of other human intelligences and thrills to typing sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r), everything’s turning up Milhouse.

  1. I’d include Logseq here, too, but as far as I can tell they don’t have a pricing model yet ↩︎

  2. Every time a Steam game update downloads I get more nervous about the move from physical games media ↩︎